Psychological Consultation
Community workshops offered on the following topics:
Managing anxiety
Millennial blues: Managing depression in a modern world
Grinding into the ground - maintaining your own self care in the midst of grind and adulting
Slaying the Strong Black Woman: Redefining strength to include self care and social support

Staff training:
Effective communication
Team building
Feelings Matter in School: The importance of emotional intelligence and resilience
Student workshops:
Planning for a successful future
Healthy relationships

Individual parenting coaching and workshops offered on the following topics:
My parent's child: breaking family patterns that hold us back
Should I be my child's friend? - building strong relationships with children while maintaining healthy boundaries
ADHD 101: What is ADHD and how can I support my child?
Autism Support: Understanding an autism diagnosis and recommendations
Feelings Matter: Encouraging healthy emotional development in our children
Talking to Your Teen: Using communication to build healthy relationships

Staff training:
Assertive communication
Team building
Youth development:
Planning for a successful future
Healthy relationships